Basically there are four different methods to heat a spa or hot tub. Here they were entering into further detail about each of these heating methods go Jacuzzi
With an electric heater before
According With a gas stove
With the third clutch
4 From solar energy
Lets go through any method of heating hot tub here
Before heating hot tub with an electric heater
This is by far the most common way to heat your spa or hot tub. This is basically an electric heaterElement in a stainless steel tube (most of the time) installed. If the pump shows pressure water heating and the flow sensor, it will be enough water flowing through the heating element. The thermal control system allows power to go to the heating element. When this happens, the heater kicks in, and it is starting to heat water.
This method is usually very slow.
For example:
In a 120volt (a spa, a cable that isconnected to a standard electrical outlet), the heating element generates about 1,500 watts. This is enough heat to raise the temperature of 300-400 liters in a spa, with a good spa cover, 2-3 degrees in an hour. In a 240-volt heating typically produces 5500 watts. This is enough heat to raise the water temperature 5-6 degrees in 300-400 liters per hour spa Let's say the temperature is 70F in water prior to heating, the heating times are approximate, then the followingto raise the water temperature from 70F to 100F
120 volt system - 10-12 hours
240 volt system - 6-8 hours
There are of course a few factors that also affects the heating time, quality of spa cover, outsite temperature, amount of insulation in the spa
2. Spa Heating with a Gas Heater
Heating a spa or hot tub with a gas heater is still fairly common. Especially in situation where there is both a pool and a spa combination
The advantages and disadvantages are the following;
a. The water heats really quick. If you have a 250,000Btu spa heater connected to a 3-400 gallons spa. The heating time can be as little as 20 minutes. If you have an even larger heater, you get even shorter heating time.
b. Most owners with gas heaters let their spas cool down between usage. Spas with electrical heaters are typically kept heated due to the lengthy heating times
c. Cost, the long time cost of heating will be less as you only heat the water when you need to use it.
a. Cost, the initial cost for a gas heater installation is always 8-10 times the cost of an electrical heater.
d. Size. A gas heater is large and you will need a large enough yard to hid it somewhere.
3. Hot Tub heating through pump friction
Another method of heating a spa is through pump friction. This method is based on the fact that the pump gets warm as it's running. By wrapping the pump with tubes that is a part of the circulation system, you are able to slowly, very slowly, raise the temperature of a small spa.
a. This results in a low heating cost
a. Slow slow heating time
b. Difficult to control the temperature of the spa and balance the spa chemistry at the same time
c. Limited to only small portable spas
4. Heating a Hot Tub with solarThis sounds like such a great idea, but in reality it is not possible for most homeowners. The amount of solar heat collectors on a roof is typically to many. Heating a pool this way is commonly done, but raising a spa to 104F is more difficult.